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Dr ANG Peng Hwa graduated with an LLB (Hons) Degree from the National University of Singapore, a Master’s Degree in Communication Management at the University of Southern California and was awarded a Ph.D. in Mass Media at Michigan State University. He is an Advocate and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Singapore.
Dr Ang was Dean of the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and Director of the Singapore Internet Research Centre. His research interests lie in media law and policy and he has consulted on the subject for the governments of Singapore, Thailand and Bhutan.
He is the author of Ordering Chaos: Regulating the Internet (Thomson, 2005), which was one of the earliest books on Internet governance. He was a member of 40-strong Working Group on Internet Governance that was appointed by then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan to prepare a report for the 2005 World Summit on the Information Society.
In 2000, Dr Ang was awarded a Fulbright fellowship at Harvard University; in 2001, he was a visiting scholar at Oxford University. In 2008, he spent his on sabbatical in Ahmedabad, India, to help start the doctoral-equivalent programme at the Mudra Institute of Communication, Ahmedabad. He recently stepped down as Chairman of the regional non-profit media organisation Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC) and is one of the two vice-presidents of the Consumers’ Association of Singapore (CASE), and legal advisor to the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore (ASAS). Dr Ang’s practice is in the areas of internet governance, media law and policy and compliance with the recently-enacted Personal Data Protection Act 2012.
Dr Ang’s professional involvements include:
- Chairman, Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC)
- President, International Communication Association
- Member, United Nations’ Working Group on Internet Governance
- Vice-President, AMIC
- Vice-President, Consumers’ Association of Singapore (CASE)
- Editor, Asian Journal of Communication
- Legal Advisor, Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore (ASAS)
- Consultant, Republic of Singapore
- Consultant, Kingdom of Thailand
- Consultant, Bhutan
- Consultant, Mudra Institute of Communication Research
- Visiting Scholar, Oxford University
- Dean, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University Singapore (NTU)
- Professor, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, NTU
- Director, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, NTU
- Director, Singapore Internet Research Centre
- Co-founder, Haze Elimination Action Team
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